my girls

my girls
MacKenzie (Mac) age 11 and Camille (Mille) age 8 1/2

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The first day of school has arrived!

How do I have a 5th grader and a 3rd grader???  Wow, time has flown by and sadly I know it isn't stopping anytime soon.  The girls were excited today.  Mac freaked out last night which resulted in freaking me out which resulted in mom sleeping about 2 hours total, if that!  She had last minute nerves and had a little panic attack, that poor baby is so much like me it's scary!  After lots of hugs, lots of prayers (did I mention I only slept 2 hours?  The hours I was awake I was praying!) a few tears (or maybe a lot) and a pep talk she was off to sleep and woke up this morning happy and excited!!!  Prayer #1 answered!!!  She originally wanted me to walk her in but took my advice and walked in by herself, that killed me a little but it felt right.  She is such an amazing young lady she makes my heart glow with warmth and sunshine!!!!
My little Mille bug couldn't have been anymore excited!!!  She's so happy to have Mrs. Penson (so am I, I ADORE her!!!!) She went to sleep with a huge smile and woke up with an even bigger one.  She's grown up so much, her precious spirit and humor make my life perfect.  It's going to be so quite (and clean) around here.  I won't lie it's going to take me a while to used to the quiet.  I know I'll miss the voices, even the arguing-yes I said arguing, the sound of Mille pushing her stroller around the house 50 million times and most of all the sweet conversations.  For now I will get my stuff done and be ready for some mom/daughter time at 3:20!!!
  The girls with their grade poster.  Hopefully if you zoom on the pic you can see their favorites for the first of the year.
 Sweet Mac, a big 5th grader!!
 I think she was about to hold up a 5...
 Mille bug!!!
 This is SO Mille!
So is this!!!

 Mac jumping for joy!

 My girls! I love them more than life!!!
 Mac doing a pose
 Walking Mille bug into school

Back to school cake, we make one every year.
Making a back to school wish
Mille too
In bed and ready for tomorrow (this is prior to panic attack, look how happy she is.  Like I said OUT OF NOWHERE it came!!)
Mille happy, happy, happy
Mille's message on her door!
Mac;s favorite things
Her place setting for breakfast
Mille's list
Her place setting
Their goodies, this is Mille's!  The little cat is holding her syrup!  
Mac's stuff
Mille finally got the "dream lights-thingy" She was so happy
Mac got a thing for her desk
Heart chocolate chip pancakes and sausage! Mile holding her Schultute(it's a German tradition)
Mac wearing her Schultute
Mac's fun locker!!  She has a little chandelier that goes at the top of the locker, i forgot to take it that night.
Locking her lock!!!  How is my baby old enough to have a locker!!!????
Mac and Abbey have class together and are next to each other, locker buddies!!!!
It doesn't get sweeter than this!!!

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