my girls

my girls
MacKenzie (Mac) age 11 and Camille (Mille) age 8 1/2

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Getting ready for back to school

Wow!!!  I can't believe school starts next week!!  Oh my I'm not even going to start, because I might cry.  I do love to have a schedule and it will be nice to clean the house and it might actually stay that way for a few hours but I'm not hyped about the bedtime routines and early morning! BLAH!!  I am excited for dance to start back up, my girls have missed it so much and they are constantly dancing around the house!  Like I said before I like a schedule it does make me feel like a batter mom because I can get my "stuff" done while the girls are at school and then when they get home just enjoy them every minute possible.  I'm also excited to see friends at South Bosque!  I love that school, not only is it my girls home away from home but mine also.  Awesome people work there and we are blessed to be able to attend.  Mac will start a new school this year and I'm excited about that too.  I've worked up there a couple of days and really enjoyed the staff and moms I worked with.  I know Mac will LOVE it just as much as S.B.  Here are a few things we've made for "back to school!"  I made Mac and Mille's teacher a door sign and couldn't resist making us one as well. 
This is a sign I'm working on for Jenni Holley.  I love making stuff for friends!!!  This one has been fun b/c I get to paint & use a drill.  I'm not done yet, I hope it turns out as cute I imagine it to be. :o)
Here is Mac's teachers apple.  I hope she likes it.
This was a huge hit last year so the girls wanted to do them again this year.  I just bought a tackle box at WalMart then we filled it with fun tuff(I'll take a pic of the inside later) cute thumb tacs, sticky tac, fun paper clips, gum, chocolate, quarters for the vending machine, post it notes stuff like that.
Here are some pics that show what we've been up to this summer.  We got home from Lake City and the girls didn't want to leave home for a few days.  They really missed their toys and our house, which makes this mama very happy b/c I want them to LOVE their home!!  Mille got her baby and they dressed alike.  My sweet baby has either been dancing around the house all summer (high kicks followed by a sassy hip snap are her favorite move lately) playing on her cash register (my dad gave her a real cash register with a credit card machine and scanning gun for Christmas- she's obsessed!!!) or pushing her 4 babies around.  She has renamed 2 of her babies to  Kayley, Sarah (for people familar with JHS Expressions Company that would be  Kayley that moved and Sarah Kunka!  While playing mom Camille is Madeline aka Madeline Young!!!! Pretty stinkin' cute!!!) Camille cracks me up because she will push her babies around ALL day and just talk to them like they are in deep conversation.  Every now and then she'll ask me, the grand mother, to watch her babies.  When she puts them to bed or down for a nap she has some of the funniest in depth conversations you'll ever hear.  She is so precious, her spunk and compassion make my heart glow!!!
Here are some yummy treats we made, thank you Pinterest!  I used peanut butter cookie dough, baked then in mini muffin tins, then I used a shot glass to make the "pool" in the middle.  Lastly I used yummy Nutella for the inside.  SO GOOD!!!!!!!
Mac had her sweet friend Abbey over to play after getting home from Lake City.  They painted bird houses, very creative little girls!!
Sweet friends
Here is another Pinterest idea, love Pinterest!!!!  You take Ivory soap and put it in the microwave for about 45 seconds.
Watching it is part of the fun, it expands into this fluffy looking stuff.  It isn't actually as soft as it looks, it's more airy.  
The girls loved holding it and then they ended up taking a bath with it.  It kind of was messy so it was great that they played with it in the tub.  I guess it was a "clean mess"
Mille played too!!!  While they played with it in the tub I took the left overs and put them in a few cookie cutters.  Then the girls had cute heart shaped soap.
The girls participated in Music camp again this year.  It was amazing!!! Mac had her first solo, I was a proud mama!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the door signs. I am excited to hopefully see you more. Wish the girls were in the same class. 4th grade maybe. We still have to have play dates. xoxo
