my girls

my girls
MacKenzie (Mac) age 11 and Camille (Mille) age 8 1/2

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Monster Brain Cookies, the zoo, & Dr. Pepper Museum

We have busy little people at the Cherry house.  One of our favorite things to do around Halloween is make "Boiled Monster Brain Cookies!"  Mrs. Dominik gave the girls the recipe when they were in her class and they are so easy and SO yummy!  Mac was busy reading so my little Mille Bug helped me this year.
Mille is a monster!
We went to the zoo!  We LOVE the Cameron Park Zoo and it was beautiful.  The humidity was through the roof, but it was cool outside...finally!  Mille for some reason was scared that we were going to fall in the water.  You can kind of tell by the look on her face.
Mac in front of the capybara.  It's hard to believe those cute little guys are the largest rodent!

Climbing on the snake.
My girls have grown so much, I can remember when they could barely get on this thing.
This day was so much fun!  The girls thought we were going to the Dr. Pepper Museum but I surprised them with the zoo too.  We had so much fun walking around and talking.  It was a huge eye opener though because there were all these families with little kids running around.  Then there is me with my almost 10 and 7 year old.  I can remember when we would go when they were little.  I had a membership and I swear we would go a couple times a week and walk around the zoo a couple of times!  I must say it's a happy place, full of fun memories.  I think Mac's face sums it up on how fun the day was!
Mille looks scared, I think she felt pressured to get out of the way of the little boy behind her.  He about ran her over the first time down the slide. :o)
Mac had an extra credit project and she needed to research a company.  Of course she had to research her favorite drink of all time!  When your favorite drink company started in Waco you don't just look it up on the go there and research it!  Plus you get a Dr. Pepper float at the end to reward your hard work, that's my kind of extra credit project!
They had a room full of toys that were associated with sodas and they had a slinky!  Mac had no idea why there was a set of random stairs in the room.  I showed her how the slinky would go down the stairs, she thought that was the coolest thing ever!  I love those moments, you know the "Mom, you are so cool, how did you know that?!" moment!  I told her how my sister, brother and I would do it at Grampy's house and the slinky would go down all of the stairs.  Guess who's getting a slinky for Christmas!!!

The best part, Dr.Pepper Floats!

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