As I was washing the dishes the other day I was starring at my cute little "chef pig." As I was starring at him all I could do was smile. I remember being with my friend Leslie (Redfield) in Salado and seeing him and just knowing I had to have that cute little guy in my kitchen. I not only think he's just so cute but it reminds me of a fun day with a great friend! That made me start thinking of other things in my house that make me happy. Of course not everything is pictured or listed but I'm including several things that do make me happy. As I was walking around my house snapping pics I realized why I'm such a homebody, because I love my home and I love my little treasures.
After thinking about my little piggy I immediately went to this bell. I got this while I was in Canton with friends. It was my first visit to Canton and I fell in love. Leslie (Redfield) and I drove up and met Missy and her Pat(Missy's MIL) such a fun day!! Hence why we have another one planned for March. Anyway back to my bell...I had seen a bell like this is a PB catalog and loved it but wasn't going to spend $65 on it. When I saw this baby and saw that it was $10 I was sold! Pat got the matching one so we share sister bells. Every time I look at it I think of that fun day! Can't wait to see what I find in March.
I LOVE owls. Actually I think I'm a bit obsessed. I bought this little baby when I was having a "poor me" moment. Craig had gone on his usual fishing trip with guy friends and I was at home keeping up with the girls and all their stuff. I had seen this little beauty online and wanted her really bad so I "treated" myself to her. I love her and call her Olivia, I'm weird like that and I'm ok with it. :o)
I found her baby while in Canton!! She is a pretty green color and she makes me happy. I need to name her. :o) The little sign makes me happy to, another Canton find. I bought it for my mama! Oh the tears I have shed and still do for my mama. I love and miss her SO much.
I love to entertain, not only because it's fun to visit with friends but b/c I love decorating for a party!! I actually get really excited thinking about which place mats and napkin rings I'm going to use. A good table scape makes me happy, happy, happy!
Flower arrangements! I love to make flower arrangements (this isn't a great pic but it'll do) My favorite flowers are hydrangeas and tulips, orange to be exact!
I love fires!!! any chance I can I will turn on my fire. The other day when it was semi-cold, I had the door open and the fire on!
Another owl pic! I love my owl cookie jar, I actually have equal inside mine. The little guy has splenda in it. While watching Modern Family(one of my favorite shows) I noticed that they have this cookie jar and the big white owl, aka Olivia!
My favorite spot to watch t.v or read. There is my Pioneer Woman cookbook, another thing I love!!! I LOVE her show and I'm quite envious of her lifestyle.
Little creamers! I bought the cat while I was in L.C and asked my MIL to get me the rest. I don't know why I love the creamers but they make me smile. Every special day i.e birthdays, christmas, school starting, etc.. I put syrup or juice in them for the girls to use them.
My fish pitcher. My sis gave me this and I love it!! My favorite is when I put my gorgeous orange tulips in it. I also love white dishes, I have a lot!!
My Jadeite, oh I love this stuff!!! My mom, dad, and I would buy this stuff on little weekends trips when Craig was in Law School. Some is the real deal and some is made by Martha Stewart. I don't really care if it's the real thing, I just LOVE the color.
I love this lotion, the smell is so yummy. I also love the wallflowers. People always say my house smells yummy that would be the wallflowers! With 3 cats and 2 dogs, you can never have enough wallflowers. My favorite scents are the ones that smell like you've been baking. My all time favorite was Creamy Carmel but they stopped making it, worst thing ever. In the Spring and Summer I like their apple scent. It's crisp and fresh!
My sweet Granger. He is my biggest fan. He follows me around the house and loves to be near me. I adore him to the moon and back.

Griffin little old man he is precious but lately has been on my bad side. Especially since I only got about 5 hours of sleep last night b/c of him. He's a keeper though!
Tinkerbell. She doesn't love to be cuddled but I don't care and grab her anyway. She is so soft and squishy!! She is Mille's cat and loves the outdoors. She has brought home all sorts of treasures, mice, baby field mice, snakes, birds. You know those fun treasures. At least I don't have to worry about trespassers.
Gracie, aka Ditty. This is my first baby. I love this cat so much and she loves me right back. She will come to me better than any dog and she talks to me. You can ask her a question and she'll answer you back. I'm afraid I won't have much more time with this sweet baby. She's already 15 and has been loosing a lot of weight. I'm getting as much Ditty love as I can, best cat ever!
Miley is my next favorite cat(sorry Tink) she cuddles me and jumps in my lap WHENEVER my butt touches a chair. I swear it's like she must watch me all day and when I finally sit down, whoosh she's there. She is Mac's cat and she is gorgeous. She has this long black tail, long whiskers and beautiful green/yellow eyes.
MY fish Blue. The girls each got a fish so I had to as well. I don't like odd #'s so I had to make our family an even 8! His name was Perry after Tyler Perry(I love him and told Craig if I stood a chance I might leave him for Tyler. He laughed at that thought!) but then I changed it to Blue b/c I wanted to be able to quote one of my favorite movies, Old School. I wanted to be able to say,"You're my boy BLUE!" Makes me laugh! I also love the lamp next to my boy Blue. This pic starts the evidence of a lamp obsession. I apologize ahead of time.
The next few pics are all in my living room. I love lamps any shape, they speak to me.
I bought a cute little owl to put on the top of this lamp. Happy!
Love floor lamps too
Marshall's is like a lamp heaven! I swear I could go get a new one every week. I found these a while back. I didn't need new ones but at the price they had them and they are a pretty green...I told you they speak to me.
short and chubby = cute!
This is the first time I made the burlap lampshade. I liked it so much I made 2 more for other entry way.
Another bargain from Marshall's.
Mille's room(thank you Marshall's! Maybe I need to buy stock in Marshall's!) She loves green and zebra just fits my wild child.
Need to take that plastic off-oops!
Made this one for Mille
Mac's room, I change the ribbon every now and then.
Now my other obsession...clocks! What's funny is all of these pics were taken within about 10 minutes of each other. Notice the times, I obviously love the look of them and the idea of them but I don't care if they actually tell the right time! This fact drives my dad CRAZY!!! For a while when he would watch the girls he would go and set all of them on the correct time. Man I need to have him watch the girls so he can set all my clocks for me. :o) He set this one recently:
Not this one
He did set this one and it's up high so he has one of the girls get on top of the book case and hand it to him. Glad I don't see that.
Not this one
I thought he set this one but I guess not, hmmmm
Looks like this one but maybe it's just lucky
No way, I don't know if it's ever said the right time.
I'm starting to think I have a problem!
I love "The Wall of Art" I have Pam Dominik to thank for this! When Mac was in her class she would always have this amazing artwork! Picasso, Georgia O'Keeffe, etc..I had to put it up so started the art wall. I love it and it's one of my very favorite things in our home. Much better than any expensive art!
This is Gretchen. She was in my Grandmommy and Granddaddy's (my dad's parents)house when I was little. I loved her and would talk to her and I am the one that actually named her. Maybe that's why I still name things, hmmm. Anyway, my Grandmommy left this for me when she died and I love looking at her everyday b/c it reminds me of specials days with my grandparents.
A photo collage of wedding pics. The center is Craig and I then on either side of us is our parents then their parents are above and below them. I got this idea out of Martha Stewart Weddings a long time ago. I love it!!!
And last but not least any pic of note my sweet babies have given to me. I love these 2 girls more than life itself. They make me happy every single second of every single day. Being their mama is the happiest thing of all!!!
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