Oh sweet Mille, her hair always looks so good in the morning! Speaking of which, I have a few of Mac but she's asked not to show them b/c she didn't have time to brush her hair. Wow I wonder where she gets that? Pretty soon it will be like her mom, "Not until I have my make up on please." Mille is reading her note from Mrs. Fisher.
The bar set up for breakfast. This isn't the best pic of it but it shows the Schultute (it's a German tradition. It's a giant cone that you fill with goodies for your child) i made for the girls a few years ago. Each year I fill it with little stuff and they always get excitied.
Mac and her yummy breakfast!
Love the hair, seriously I do!
Cutie pies!!!!!
Mac is striking a pose for us!
I love Mille's poses, I don't even have to say anything she just goes right to the stance!
This is the last time the girls will have a first day at the same school until High school. Do you think they'll hold hands and let me take a picture then too? :o)
This was too funny! Joseph is one of Mac's friends, he also happens to be Grant's best friend. His mom Leslie and I were harassing him b/c he wouldn't get close to Mac for the pic. It was so funny, I don't know if he was just being a boy or if he thought G might be mad. :o) Either way he is a sweetheart and it's a cute pic! Although it is just another reminder that we all wish Grant and the Golombs were here!!!!
Mac and Julianna, these 2 have been going to school together since they were babies. The funny thing is this is the first time the girls have been in class together since they were 4. A good way to end elementary school.
Jack and Mille or as Mille says, "My Jacky Boy!"
Mille and her friend Brindley. They were in Kinder together and Mille was so excited they are in the same class again.
Mac and Julianna again. I have to find the other pic, but I have one of them in the same spot but on the first day of Kinder! Bittersweet!!! I can't believe they are big bad 4th graders!!
Outside her classroom door
Her sweet teacher Mrs. Gage. When I picked the girls up from school Mac was beaming! When I asked her about her day she said it was too short and that she couldn't wait to go back tomorrow. I'd say she had a good day, wouldn't you?
I love this pic! My sweet Mille with 3 of her good friends. Let me clarify, I love this pic but it also breaks my heart b/c my baby looks so old!!!

Mille and awesome, fabulous, sweet Cara Fisher. We love Mrs Fisher! Mille had so much fun today. We always say our "highs and lows of the day" Mille named about 5 or 6 highs and when it was time to name a low she said there weren't any! Wow, another thing a mom wants to hear. In an early post I was talking about how Mille always makes me laugh. Well here is an example of how she's funny with out even knowing it or trying...I'm at the kitchen sink washing dishes and Mille comes up and says, "Hey mama, do you think you could email Midway and ask them to hold me back this year?" I turn off the faucet and say, "What? What are you talking about?" then she goes on (mind you she isn't trying to be cute or funny, she's serious) "Well I can already tell I'm going to love 2nd grade and I love Mrs. Fisher so I think I should do it 2 years in a row." What a nut! I feel blessed that my girls love their teachers so much. When both of them had Pam Dominik they told me they wished it was like Little House on the Prairie and Mrs Dominik could teach them every grade. Now Mille wants to repeat 2nd grade even after just 1 day b/c she loves Cara so much. Not a bad problem to have, your 2 kids loving their teachers so much!!!