I should be very embarrassed to post these pics, but I'm doing it anyway b/c it's not me that's so messy it's my youngest daughter. Camille is Pigpen!! Her teacher actually told me she was going to start calling her this b/c she is messy at school too. Thank God she is a cutie pie, that helps you overlook the mess...sometimes! Mille is a pack rat, most of the stuff I found in her closet was shoved behind her shoe basket or behind her dress-up box. I found brand new clothes shoved everywhere and anywhere. The cleaning took me about 3 hours, seriously! I had to clean it all out, sort and then bag stuff. I also did her dresser drawers. This better last for a long time, I doubt it will b/c I think she has too much of her daddy in her! Let's not even get me started on that subject!!!!
The girl has almost as many bags and purses as her mom!
She couldn't close her drawers! Now mind you I had cleaned out and straightened these drawers in the fall! Also you must keep in mind Mille sleeps in her sister's room (Mac has 2 twin beds in her room) so all she does is change clothes in her room. I seriously only go in there in the morning to pick out clothes and then on days I clean the house. I don't "tidy" the girl's room I dust and clean the floors and bathroom but I have them tidy it. Mille's idea of a tidy room is shoving clothes behind furniture. Everything you see was shoved, it wasn't like this when you just looked at it. She's a sneaky little thing, it appeared to be somewhat clean until I looked closer.
Her awesome chair Nana and Gaga gave her. It holds random pieces she doesn't want to put up.
Found this behind the dress up box. Seriously?????
Wait, do you now see the floor???? When the girls got home Mille was so happy I cleaned it for her, I think she was even threatened by the thought of cleaning that mess! Mac said,"You can walk into the closet!"
Let's see how long the drawers stay tidy. I give it 2 days!!!
Now onto one of Mille's favorite days!!! Her 1st grade class went on a field trip to Baylor and we got to meet the Lady Bears!!!! Some people don't know this but Mille is one of if not the biggest Lady Bear fans out there. Especially #42 Brittney Griner (did I spell that right? Mille is going to get me if not!!) fan. When I asked her if she would rather Justin Bieber or Brittney come up to her class to visit she didn't hesitate, Brittney! She's a huge Bieber fan and Brittney has already been to her class but she still wants Brittney to come visit! We watched all of the playoff games on t.v. and the last game when they played ATM she cried herself to sleep after they lost! I kid you not, when I went in to check on her even though she was asleep you could still hear her recovering from crying so much. She was doing that thing when you cried so hard that you can't breathe right. It broke my heart. When I asked her the next day why she was so sad she said,"I am sad that Melissa Jones won't get to play anymore and I'm worried Brittney is sad because she didn't play as well as she did the last game." She loves her some Brittney and Melissa! So here are some of the thousands of pics I took on the field trip!
Pam talking to Coach Mulkey! Pam is one of the reasons Mille loves the Lady Bears so much. Pam is Mille's teacher, she is the most amazing teacher you could ever have! We've been blessed to have her as Craig's first grade teacher (he was in her first 1st grade class), Mac's teacher(Mac was the 1st child of a former student Pam had) and now Mille has her. I didn't have her as a teacher but she's now a dear friend and I go work in her room every week and I have the past 3 years b/c I LOVE her!!!! She played basketball at Midway and at Baylor. She LOVES the Lady Bears and goes to all the home games so she taught the kids to love them as well.

Mille playing ball with one of her idols behind her! She was so excited to be in the room with her, much less next to her. I swear she watched her every move that day, her little eyes were in amazement!
Mille loves this pic b/c she says Brittney is looking at HER!
The girls helped the kids dunk the ball. By luck Mille got Brittney! She was seriously speechless, and you couldn't wipe that smile off to save your life!!!!
Look at that smile, I seriously tear up when I look at her happiness! Brittney couldn't have been more amazing with the kids. She talked and was silly with them, a precious person.
Still smiling!
Brittney is 2 Milles! If not 2 Milles plus some!
The best pic for last! Mille has asked me to blow this up to an 8 x 10! So cute! Mille is now counting down for Lady Bear Basketball camp, can you guess what # she wants? 42 baby!