It's taken me a while to post these because we have been super busy at the Cherry house. Camille had a fabulous b-day party!!! We had a wonderful group of friends (32 to be exact!) that helped celebrate. Mille was able to see friends that are in her class, other 1st grade classes, other schools, neighbors, and family! My baby was so happy that it made my heart glow. Nothing is better than when your child has a huge smile on their face and says," Mama, this was the best party and day EVER!" Mission accomplished! Below are several pics of the decorations, it was so fun to prep and plan, one of my favorite things to do. All of the material I used for Mille's party will either be used for aprons for Mac's 10th b-day party (yes Mac and I are already planning it! Mac is crazy good at party planning, maybe we'll open a business when she older!!!!) a baking theme, or I'll keep it for table runner, etc...

This is the cake and goodie table. I covered the back wall with fabric because it was a huge, long mirror. It would have open the room up more but I thought it looked yucky so I covered it! My amazing Dad came and helped me set everything up! It doesn't even flinch when I'm a bit short tempered while setting up. He just asks where something goes and gets right to work. My mom trained him well, she's was smiling in heaven that morning! That man is my hero, I love him and I'm blessed he's my daddy!
Another view, the birthday banner behind is out of material, simple but fun.
This is the gift table. I wish I would have had time to step back and check the tables! I would have pulled the white table cloth forward so you didn't see the ugly legs of the table, I ran out of time!!! Oh well.

Ok, I hate to even point this out b/c many people wouldn't even pay attention to this but my mind is evil to me and all I can pay attention to are those dumb chairs!!! I was going to either rent all white chairs and have them delivered or I was going to make fabric covers for them, CRAZY I know but I was concerned about how the chairs would look and I was right! They look horrible. Again if I had time I would have gone around and at least matched all of the chairs, this is how it was set up. Oh well, at least the table looks cute! I ordered hats from Oriental Trading Co. then I made little lips and mustaches (there is a pic later of these) and placed them at each spot. There are also rainbow suckers in the middle as well. I bought fun popcorn sleeves and those were at each spot too.
Mac and Julianna checking out the sweets!
Mille's cake, we will enjoy that tonight actually! I made the cake and used a cake tatoo! I bought it at Micheal's, it is made by Duff's. He's that guy on t.v. that makes all the cool cakes, Ace of Cakes. Super easy and then I just added gumballs. I made the little girl on the cake as well but I think I already featured that on anohter entry.
Another view of the cake, cupcakes, cake ball sundaes, and marshmallow pops. Yummy!
If you look close you'll see that I put the cupcakes on "presents" I actually just wrapped foam to look like a present. It turned out really cute! I also wrapped the water bottles and put little sayings on there like, "Get silly at Silly Mille's celebration!" or "Silly Mille is 7!"then I attached a cute paper straw that had a little flag saying "Mille is 7!" using a silly band. The kids loved that they got a silly band, whoever invented those things is rolling in the $$$$
Cake Ball Sundaes, these were a huge hit! I never got to taste one! :o)
Marshmallow pops
I always make a sign for the girls. After the party they hang it up on the bedroom door.
Sweet Mille listening to her friends sing Happy Birthday to her.
She made a special wish I bet! This was the T-shirt I made her, # 7! She's wearing it today too!!!
Mac with a tie-dye cupcake and her silly hat on. I had 2 teenagers come and paint faces, they did an amazing job!!!!!!
Cutie pie Chloe (the girl's cousin) with her hat and silly mustache on!
Most of the group, some had to leave early. Such a fun party!!!!
We went home and opened the presents, the girls raked it in!!! My goodness! This was a poodle that her friend Erika gave her!
What a kid, we had a great time. I will post pics from her actual b-day (today) later today. We are going somewhere that they will sing to her, those are her rules! Happy Birthday sweet Mille!